Stir fried veggies and China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo

Stir fried veggies and white rice. Perfect combination with a China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo. Balances the spice notes beautifully. 7 gram of tea, 500 ml of 75 grade Celsius water, steeps of 1.5-2-2.5 minutes.

Gerelateerde pairings

Chocolate cheesecake and China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo

Chocolate cheesecake and a China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. 1-1.5-2 minute brews. Brings out the chocolate notes in the cheesecake in a wonderful way!

Lasagne and Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel

Beautiful Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel and a home made veg lasagne. Tea compliments Béchamel and tomatoes. 8 grams of tea on 110 ml 75 centigrade water. 40-50-60 seconds.

Tofu, spicy sauce and Malawi Smallholders OP1 black tea

Tofu and a very rich and spicy sauce paired with a Malawi @satemwa_tea_coffee Smallholders OP1 black tea. Low water temperature and a high dose to balance the spicy notes. 9 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius for 1.5 minutes.

Samosa CTC black tea

Samosa’s and a CTC black tea of a CTCF cooperative. The sweet full flavour of the tea balances the fatty mouthfeel of the samosa and the vegetable flavours combined with the honey like tea really bring everything together! 3 grams of tea on 250 ml 90 degrees Celsius soft water.

Iranian snack and amard_tea black tea

Iranian snacks and a great @amard_tea black tea. The sweet and fruity tea really goes with so many dishes!|

Salad and Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black

Warm weather calls for a fresh salad. The Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black is the perfect partner. 8 grams on 500 ml, 80 centigrade water and a 2 minute brew.

Esmeralda Rio Verde and Purnamukhiya

Yes, found the perfect partner for @purnamukhiya black tea! @kunachocolate 82% Esmeralda Rio Verde from Ecuador! 9 grams of tea, 500 ml 70 centigrade soft water, 1.5 minutes

Sweet liquorice and Nepal Golden Tips

Nepal meets The Netherlands. @ctcfnepal Golden Tips meets Venco Apothekers drop (sweet liquorice) @theehoffje brought with her. Beautiful soft mouthfeel with typical liquorice aroma’s and fruity aroma’s of the tea!

Sour fruit and sweetened black tea

What when they serve you a sweetened black tea? Just pair it with some sour fruits 😁. The acidity balances the sweetness of the tea.