Egg cake, strawberry’s and China Keemun Hong Cha Hao Ya

Egg cake & Strawberry’s are a great combination. Paired with a China Keemun Hong Cha Hao Ya. Brings out the sweet strawberry aroma and the stone fruit aroma’s in the tea. What a wonderful combination

Theesommelier Opleiding Leerjaar 1
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Chana matar (chickpeas and green peas) and a spectacular black tea of Tinjure. Member of CTCF. No idea how they made the dish or the tea but the sweetness of te tea brings it all together.

Chocolates and Yunnan Gold

And why not. An other chocolate with the same tea 😁.

Noodles, peas and Tinjure Golden

Noodles, peas and a Tinjure Golden! 8 grams of tea, 500ml, 80 degrees water, 1.5-2.0-2.0-2.5 minutes. Sweet tea reduces the spicy notes of the food and brings out all the delicious aroma’s.

Roti, vegetables, potato and China Mi Lan Xiang black tea

Roti, vegetables, potato and a China Mi Lan Xiang black tea. 8 grams of tea in a gaiwan. 30-20-30-40-45 seconds infusion time, water temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. Let the tea cool down a bit to gain sweetness. Just perfect.

Cinnamon roll and Golden tea

Fresh cinnamon roll and a absolute perfect made sweet and fruity Golden tea!
6 grams of tea, 500 ml of 85 degrees, 2 minutes steeping time.

Dosa and Assam tea

My favourite breakfast. Dosa. Perfect with a malty Assam tea! 7 grams on 500 ml, 95 degrees water, 3 minutes.

Crisps and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Crisps and a China Fujian Golden Monkey. 7 grams of tea, 500 ml 75 centigrade water and 1.5-2.0 minute steeps. Nice afternoon snack.

Nepali corn and sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea

Beautiful cooked Nepali corn and a very sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea. Marriage made in heaven!

More tea and more chocolates

More tea and more chocolates