Quiche and Malawi Bvumbwe

Quiche and @satemwa_tea_coffee Malawi Bvumbwe Handmade Treasure. The honey sweet tea brings all the ingredients of the quiche beautifully together. Beautiful soft and creamy mouthfeel. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. Steeping time of 2.5 minutes.

Gerelateerde pairings

Banana pancakes and Nepal black tea

Banana pancakes and a strong cup of Nepal black tea. Reduces the fatty mouthfeel and brings out the sweetness of the tea.

Chocolate mint Brownie and China Hong Cha Bi Luo

Chocolate mint Brownie, a delicious combination with China Hong Cha Bi Luo. 6 grams On 110 ml, 70 centigrade water and steeping for 20-25-40-60 seconds.

Vondel speculaas and Assam Goudblad zomerpluk

Vondel speculaas (spiced biscuit) I picked up at Simon Lèvelt and their Assam Goudblad zomerpluk (very tippy Assam second flush) is one of the first tea and food pairings I discovered. The spices and sweetness of the biscuit are balanced so beautiful by the Assam tea. It’s almost as if it becomes a masala chai! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml 95 degrees Celsius water and a infusion time of three minutes. It really needs hot water and a relatively long steep in order to do it’s job 😁.

Roti, vegetables, potato and China Mi Lan Xiang black tea

Roti, vegetables, potato and a China Mi Lan Xiang black tea. 8 grams of tea in a gaiwan. 30-20-30-40-45 seconds infusion time, water temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. Let the tea cool down a bit to gain sweetness. Just perfect.

Fresh pasta salad and a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey

Beautiful warm weather, a fresh tomato and mozzarella pasta salad. Paired with a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey. 8 grams of tea, in the fridge for 8 hours. Nice and light. Life is almost perfect.

Crisps and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Crisps and a China Fujian Golden Monkey. 7 grams of tea, 500 ml 75 centigrade water and 1.5-2.0 minute steeps. Nice afternoon snack.

Nepalli meal with Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black

A great Nepalli meal needs a great tea. A Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black of @junchiyabari did a great job! 19 grams of tea on one litre 80 centigrade soft water and a steeping time of 2 minutes

Samosa CTC black tea

Samosa’s and a CTC black tea of a CTCF cooperative. The sweet full flavour of the tea balances the fatty mouthfeel of the samosa and the vegetable flavours combined with the honey like tea really bring everything together! 3 grams of tea on 250 ml 90 degrees Celsius soft water.

Breakfast and nobartea.ir Black tea

Simple but delicious breakfast. A @nobartea.ir Black tea is the perfect companion! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml of 85 degrees centigrade water and a steeping time of 3 minutes.