Tofu, spicy sauce and Malawi Smallholders OP1 black tea

Tofu and a very rich and spicy sauce paired with a Malawi @satemwa_tea_coffee Smallholders OP1 black tea. Low water temperature and a high dose to balance the spicy notes. 9 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius for 1.5 minutes.

Gerelateerde pairings

Chana matar and black tea of Tinjure

Chana matar (chickpeas and green peas) and a spectacular black tea of Tinjure. Member of CTCF. No idea how they made the dish or the tea but the sweetness of te tea brings it all together.

Lasagne and Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel

Beautiful Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel and a home made veg lasagne. Tea compliments Béchamel and tomatoes. 8 grams of tea on 110 ml 75 centigrade water. 40-50-60 seconds.

Chocolates and Yunnan Gold

Couldn’t resist picking up some beautiful chocolates at my local Simon Lèvelt store. The shop owner suggested their Yunnan Gold to drink with these beauties. She was right! Brewed it real strong in order to taste both tea and chocolates. 9 grams of tea on 500 ml of 90 degrees Celsius water and a steeping time of 3 minutes. Normally I would use 80 degrees Celsius water and a 1-2 minute steep but the tea really needs more extraction in order not to taste like hot water. The slight astringency balances the sweetness of the chocolates and brings out the chocolaty flavour much more.

Peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with Assam Ananda Second Flush

Nothing wrong with a peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with a beautiful India Assam Ananda Second Flush

Chocolate mint Brownie and China Hong Cha Bi Luo

Chocolate mint Brownie, a delicious combination with China Hong Cha Bi Luo. 6 grams On 110 ml, 70 centigrade water and steeping for 20-25-40-60 seconds.

Breakfast with Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1

Beautiful breakfast at the beach. Many different elements so a versatile tea comes in handy. I choose for a Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1. It did a great job! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml 95 centigrade water. 2 minutes steeping. Serve in a big mug or glass.

Roti, vegetables, potato and China Mi Lan Xiang black tea

Roti, vegetables, potato and a China Mi Lan Xiang black tea. 8 grams of tea in a gaiwan. 30-20-30-40-45 seconds infusion time, water temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. Let the tea cool down a bit to gain sweetness. Just perfect.

Nepali Momo’s and Nepal Golden black tea

Nepali Momo’s and a great Nepal Golden black tea. 8 grams of tea, 500 ml of 80 degrees water and 1.5-2.0-2.0 minutes steeping time.

Figs, goats cheese, honey and Nepal Golden tea

Figs, goats cheese and honey. A great pairing in itself. Nepal Golden tea brings it all together. You need to drink the tea pretty hot and then the magic happens! 8 grams of tea, 500 ml of 90 degrees water, 1.5-2.0-2.5 infusion time.