Dates and @amard_tea

Dates and @amard_tea tea from Iran. Great afternoon treat! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml 85 centigrade water and a 2 minute steep

Gerechten: Tussendoortjes, Vegan en Vegetarisch
Thee: Zwart

Gerelateerde pairings

Scones, blueberry jam, cream and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Sometimes you accidentally come across a very special product. We visited a farmers shop called the Kastanjeboom, located just outside the small town of Bunschoten-Spakenburg. They sell a lot of beautiful local products but they also make their own clotted cream. The best I ever tasted. Read their story. Scones, Blueberry Jam and their great cream. Paired with a China Fujian Golden Monkey. 7 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius water. A true delight!

Spring rolls and India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew

Spring rolls and an India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew SFTGFOP. Sweetness in the tea balances the spicy Hoi Sin sauce and enhances the sweetness. Delicious! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml, 75 centigrade water and a two minute steep.

Bengali style Nepali snacks and Nepal Golden Tea

Bengali style Nepali snacks and a beautiful Nepal Golden Tea. One leaf and a bud. 6 grams of tea, 96 degrees Celsius soft water, first infusion minutes, second infusion 2 minutes. May seem strange but believe me. Learned it from my teacher @susmabastola

Salad and Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black

Warm weather calls for a fresh salad. The Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black is the perfect partner. 8 grams on 500 ml, 80 centigrade water and a 2 minute brew.

More tea and more chocolates

More tea and more chocolates

Italian nougat and Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate

Italian nougat and a Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate. 7 grams on 500 ml, 95 centigrade water and a 3 minute brew. Real delight!

Pastry and Zealong New Zealand black

Stronger tea or just more of it to complement this pastry? This time I chose a huge mug. A Zealong New Zealand black tea, 7 grams and 500 ml 80 centigrade for two minutes did the best job! More savoury notes in the pastry and more fruity notes in the tea!

Chocolate cheesecake and China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo

Chocolate cheesecake and a China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. 1-1.5-2 minute brews. Brings out the chocolate notes in the cheesecake in a wonderful way!

Dosa and Assam tea

My favourite breakfast. Dosa. Perfect with a malty Assam tea! 7 grams on 500 ml, 95 degrees water, 3 minutes.