Tea & Food Pairing

Where to start? This time I received a wonderful black tea from @purnamukhiya. Let’s find something to pair with this sweet, fruity tea.

Thee: Zwart

Gerelateerde pairings

Lasagne and Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel

Beautiful Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel and a home made veg lasagne. Tea compliments Béchamel and tomatoes. 8 grams of tea on 110 ml 75 centigrade water. 40-50-60 seconds.

Nepali corn and sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea

Beautiful cooked Nepali corn and a very sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea. Marriage made in heaven!

Rice pudding and Nepal black tea

Rice pudding and a very light Nepal black tea. 7 grams of tea on 500 ml, 90 degrees of water. Brings out the sweet, fruity aroma in the tea!

Peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with Assam Ananda Second Flush

Nothing wrong with a peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with a beautiful India Assam Ananda Second Flush

Chocolate mint Brownie and China Hong Cha Bi Luo

Chocolate mint Brownie, a delicious combination with China Hong Cha Bi Luo. 6 grams On 110 ml, 70 centigrade water and steeping for 20-25-40-60 seconds.

Yorkshiretea and mcvitiesofficial digestives

After an exiting night there is no better way of starting a beautiful new day! @yorkshiretea and @mcvitiesofficial digestives

Sweet liquorice and Nepal Golden Tips

Nepal meets The Netherlands. @ctcfnepal Golden Tips meets Venco Apothekers drop (sweet liquorice) @theehoffje brought with her. Beautiful soft mouthfeel with typical liquorice aroma’s and fruity aroma’s of the tea!

Spring rolls and India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew

Spring rolls and an India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew SFTGFOP. Sweetness in the tea balances the spicy Hoi Sin sauce and enhances the sweetness. Delicious! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml, 75 centigrade water and a two minute steep.

Vondel speculaas and Assam Goudblad zomerpluk

Vondel speculaas (spiced biscuit) I picked up at Simon Lèvelt and their Assam Goudblad zomerpluk (very tippy Assam second flush) is one of the first tea and food pairings I discovered. The spices and sweetness of the biscuit are balanced so beautiful by the Assam tea. It’s almost as if it becomes a masala chai! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml 95 degrees Celsius water and a infusion time of three minutes. It really needs hot water and a relatively long steep in order to do it’s job 😁.