Salad and Sri Lanka Uva

A great salad and a Sri Lanka Uva. 8 grams of tea, 2 minutes and 500 ml of 95 centigrade water.

Gerelateerde pairings

Samosa CTC black tea

Samosa’s and a CTC black tea of a CTCF cooperative. The sweet full flavour of the tea balances the fatty mouthfeel of the samosa and the vegetable flavours combined with the honey like tea really bring everything together! 3 grams of tea on 250 ml 90 degrees Celsius soft water.

Spring rolls and India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew

Spring rolls and an India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew SFTGFOP. Sweetness in the tea balances the spicy Hoi Sin sauce and enhances the sweetness. Delicious! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml, 75 centigrade water and a two minute steep.

Quiche and Malawi Bvumbwe

Quiche and @satemwa_tea_coffee Malawi Bvumbwe Handmade Treasure. The honey sweet tea brings all the ingredients of the quiche beautifully together. Beautiful soft and creamy mouthfeel. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. Steeping time of 2.5 minutes.

Shrimps and Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate

Shrimps and a Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate. Balances the fatty mouthfeel and brings out the sweetness of the shrimp. 8 grams of tea on 500 ml of 95 degrees Celsius water. Steeping time 3 minutes.

Turkish pide and strong black tea

Turkish pide and @turkiyenincayi strong black tea. The tea can handle the fats in the pide and acidity in the salad beautifully.