Noodles, peas and Tinjure Golden

Noodles, peas and a Tinjure Golden! 8 grams of tea, 500ml, 80 degrees water, 1.5-2.0-2.0-2.5 minutes. Sweet tea reduces the spicy notes of the food and brings out all the delicious aroma’s.

Gerelateerde pairings

Nepalli meal with Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black

A great Nepalli meal needs a great tea. A Nepal Jun Chiyabari Himalaya Imperial Black of @junchiyabari did a great job! 19 grams of tea on one litre 80 centigrade soft water and a steeping time of 2 minutes

Dumplings, very spicy soup and Chya

Dumplings, an unidentifiable great and very spicy soup. Chya of a complex tea does the job. Milk in a great tea? When it comes to pairing it with a spice dish: absolutely! Milk balances the spicy notes of the dish, the complex character of the tea becomes more dominant. A real surprise to me.

Sweet liquorice and Nepal Golden Tips

Nepal meets The Netherlands. @ctcfnepal Golden Tips meets Venco Apothekers drop (sweet liquorice) @theehoffje brought with her. Beautiful soft mouthfeel with typical liquorice aroma’s and fruity aroma’s of the tea!

Breakfast with Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1

Beautiful breakfast at the beach. Many different elements so a versatile tea comes in handy. I choose for a Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1. It did a great job! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml 95 centigrade water. 2 minutes steeping. Serve in a big mug or glass.

Cinnamon roll and Golden tea

Fresh cinnamon roll and a absolute perfect made sweet and fruity Golden tea!
6 grams of tea, 500 ml of 85 degrees, 2 minutes steeping time.

Stir fried veggies and China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo

Stir fried veggies and white rice. Perfect combination with a China Yunnan Hong Cha Bi Luo. Balances the spice notes beautifully. 7 gram of tea, 500 ml of 75 grade Celsius water, steeps of 1.5-2-2.5 minutes.

Peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with Assam Ananda Second Flush

Nothing wrong with a peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with a beautiful India Assam Ananda Second Flush

Bengali style Nepali snacks and Nepal Golden Tea

Bengali style Nepali snacks and a beautiful Nepal Golden Tea. One leaf and a bud. 6 grams of tea, 96 degrees Celsius soft water, first infusion minutes, second infusion 2 minutes. May seem strange but believe me. Learned it from my teacher @susmabastola

Dates and @amard_tea

Dates and @amard_tea tea from Iran. Great afternoon treat! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml 85 centigrade water and a 2 minute steep