Dumplings, very spicy soup and Chya

Dumplings, an unidentifiable great and very spicy soup. Chya of a complex tea does the job. Milk in a great tea? When it comes to pairing it with a spice dish: absolutely! Milk balances the spicy notes of the dish, the complex character of the tea becomes more dominant. A real surprise to me.

Gerelateerde pairings

Raffaello and Earl Grey based on an Assam

@travel_sutra_ came up with a great idea. Earl Grey based on an Assam and Raffaello. I’m not a big fan of Earl Grey and I don’t have a sweet tooth. But I have to admit, this is a great combination. Sweetness disappeared partly, nutty flavour was more noticeable, Earl Grey gave it a fresh aroma.

Sandwiches and Japan Asatsuyu

Lovely lunch. Sandwiches and a big mug of Japan Asatsuyu black tea. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. 1-1.5-2 minute infusions.

Spring rolls and India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew

Spring rolls and an India Meghalaya La Kyrsiew SFTGFOP. Sweetness in the tea balances the spicy Hoi Sin sauce and enhances the sweetness. Delicious! 7 grams of tea, 500 ml, 75 centigrade water and a two minute steep.

Quiche and Malawi Bvumbwe

Quiche and @satemwa_tea_coffee Malawi Bvumbwe Handmade Treasure. The honey sweet tea brings all the ingredients of the quiche beautifully together. Beautiful soft and creamy mouthfeel. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. Steeping time of 2.5 minutes.

Fresh pasta salad and a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey

Beautiful warm weather, a fresh tomato and mozzarella pasta salad. Paired with a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey. 8 grams of tea, in the fridge for 8 hours. Nice and light. Life is almost perfect.

More tea and more chocolates

More tea and more chocolates

Sel roti and Chiya

Sel roti and Chiya. Perfect Nepalli combination!

Breakfast and nobartea.ir Black tea

Simple but delicious breakfast. A @nobartea.ir Black tea is the perfect companion! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml of 85 degrees centigrade water and a steeping time of 3 minutes.

Cantuccini alle mandorle and China Fujian Golden Monkey

No Vino Santo to dip in the Cantuccini alle mandorle but a very sweet China Fujian Golden Monkey. 10 grams on 400 ml of 75 centigrade water for just one minute. Multiple infusions needed.