Tea & Food Pairing

Where to start? This time I received a wonderful black tea from @purnamukhiya. Let’s find something to pair with this sweet, fruity tea.

Thee: Zwart

Gerelateerde pairings

Cornish pasty and Cornish Tea

Cornish pasty and Cornish Tea. You can’t go wrong.

More tea and more chocolates

More tea and more chocolates

Brie de Meaux, Blue d’Auvergne, Port Salut and a Gyokuro, Jin Jun Mei and Tie Guan Yin

Brie de Meaux, Blue d’Auvergne, Port Salut and a Gyokuro, Jin Jun Mei and Tie Guan Yin. Interesting combinations.

Lasagne and Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel

Beautiful Darjeeling Jungpana Second flush Muscatel and a home made veg lasagne. Tea compliments Béchamel and tomatoes. 8 grams of tea on 110 ml 75 centigrade water. 40-50-60 seconds.

Fresh pasta salad and a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey

Beautiful warm weather, a fresh tomato and mozzarella pasta salad. Paired with a cold brew China Fujian Golden Monkey. 8 grams of tea, in the fridge for 8 hours. Nice and light. Life is almost perfect.

Tofu, spicy sauce and Malawi Smallholders OP1 black tea

Tofu and a very rich and spicy sauce paired with a Malawi @satemwa_tea_coffee Smallholders OP1 black tea. Low water temperature and a high dose to balance the spicy notes. 9 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius for 1.5 minutes.

Sour fruit and sweetened black tea

What when they serve you a sweetened black tea? Just pair it with some sour fruits 😁. The acidity balances the sweetness of the tea.

Pastry and Zealong New Zealand black

Stronger tea or just more of it to complement this pastry? This time I chose a huge mug. A Zealong New Zealand black tea, 7 grams and 500 ml 80 centigrade for two minutes did the best job! More savoury notes in the pastry and more fruity notes in the tea!

Bengali style Nepali snacks and Nepal Golden Tea

Bengali style Nepali snacks and a beautiful Nepal Golden Tea. One leaf and a bud. 6 grams of tea, 96 degrees Celsius soft water, first infusion minutes, second infusion 2 minutes. May seem strange but believe me. Learned it from my teacher @susmabastola