Sel roti and Chiya

Sel roti and Chiya. Perfect Nepalli combination!

Gerechten: Tussendoortjes en Vegetarisch
Thee: Zwart

Gerelateerde pairings

Chocolates and tea

Chocolates and tea; great to play with all the possible combinations!

Iranian fruits, nuts, sweets and Iranian black tea

Iranian fruits, nuts, sweets, etc and a really great strong brewed Iranian black tea to balance all the sweetness. The tea becomes even more fruity and complex!

Shrimps and Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate

Shrimps and a Ceylon Nuwara Eliya Lovers Leap Estate. Balances the fatty mouthfeel and brings out the sweetness of the shrimp. 8 grams of tea on 500 ml of 95 degrees Celsius water. Steeping time 3 minutes.

Iranian snack and amard_tea black tea

Iranian snacks and a great @amard_tea black tea. The sweet and fruity tea really goes with so many dishes!|

Egg cake, strawberry’s and China Keemun Hong Cha Hao Ya

Egg cake & Strawberry’s are a great combination. Paired with a China Keemun Hong Cha Hao Ya. Brings out the sweet strawberry aroma and the stone fruit aroma’s in the tea. What a wonderful combination

Chana matar and black tea of Tinjure

Chana matar (chickpeas and green peas) and a spectacular black tea of Tinjure. Member of CTCF. No idea how they made the dish or the tea but the sweetness of te tea brings it all together.

Turkish pide and strong black tea

Turkish pide and @turkiyenincayi strong black tea. The tea can handle the fats in the pide and acidity in the salad beautifully.

Scones, blueberry jam, cream and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Sometimes you accidentally come across a very special product. We visited a farmers shop called the Kastanjeboom, located just outside the small town of Bunschoten-Spakenburg. They sell a lot of beautiful local products but they also make their own clotted cream. The best I ever tasted. Read their story. Scones, Blueberry Jam and their great cream. Paired with a China Fujian Golden Monkey. 7 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius water. A true delight!

Peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with Assam Ananda Second Flush

Nothing wrong with a peanut butter and chocolate sprinkles sandwich with a beautiful India Assam Ananda Second Flush