Nepali corn and sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea

Beautiful cooked Nepali corn and a very sweet, fruity and flowery Nepali rolled black tea. Marriage made in heaven!

Gerechten: Tussendoortjes en Vegetarisch
Thee: Zwart

Leer in 5 dagen alles over Tea & Food Pairing
Thee is een perfecte match bij veel gerechten. En als je het goed aanpakt dan geeft het serveren van thee bij de maaltijd een hele mooie ervaring. Zowel thuis als bij een exclusief meergangendiner in een restaurant. In vijf dagen leren we je hoe je thee selecteert, zet en presenteert bij je gerechten.

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Sel roti and Chiya

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Quiche and Malawi Bvumbwe

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Scones, blueberry jam, cream and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Sometimes you accidentally come across a very special product. We visited a farmers shop called the Kastanjeboom, located just outside the small town of Bunschoten-Spakenburg. They sell a lot of beautiful local products but they also make their own clotted cream. The best I ever tasted. Read their story. Scones, Blueberry Jam and their great cream. Paired with a China Fujian Golden Monkey. 7 grams of tea on 500 ml, 75 degrees Celsius water. A true delight!

Cottage cheese and tomato tapenade baguette and Nepal Shangri La Second Flush

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Iranian snack and amard_tea black tea

Iranian snacks and a great @amard_tea black tea. The sweet and fruity tea really goes with so many dishes!|

Spicy paneer and Golden Nepal black tea

Spicy paneer and a Golden Nepal black tea to reduce the spicy mouthfeel. Such a wonderful combination. 8 grams of tea, 500 ml, 80 degrees water. Steeping time of 1-1.5-2.0-2.0 minutes.

Nepali Momo’s and Nepal Golden black tea

Nepali Momo’s and a great Nepal Golden black tea. 8 grams of tea, 500 ml of 80 degrees water and 1.5-2.0-2.0 minutes steeping time.