Sandwiches and Japan Asatsuyu

Lovely lunch. Sandwiches and a big mug of Japan Asatsuyu black tea. 7 grams on 500 ml 80 centigrade water. 1-1.5-2 minute infusions.

Gerechten: Banket en Vegetarisch
Thee: Zwart

Gerelateerde pairings

Raffaello and Earl Grey based on an Assam

@travel_sutra_ came up with a great idea. Earl Grey based on an Assam and Raffaello. I’m not a big fan of Earl Grey and I don’t have a sweet tooth. But I have to admit, this is a great combination. Sweetness disappeared partly, nutty flavour was more noticeable, Earl Grey gave it a fresh aroma.

Blueberry muffin and China Fujian Golden Monkey

Blueberry muffin and a China Fujian Golden Monkey black tea. You’ll need a lot of tea to join this huge muffin.

Breakfast with Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1

Beautiful breakfast at the beach. Many different elements so a versatile tea comes in handy. I choose for a Malawi Satemwa Smallholders OP1. It did a great job! 7 grams of tea on 500 ml 95 centigrade water. 2 minutes steeping. Serve in a big mug or glass.

Pastry and Zealong New Zealand black

Stronger tea or just more of it to complement this pastry? This time I chose a huge mug. A Zealong New Zealand black tea, 7 grams and 500 ml 80 centigrade for two minutes did the best job! More savoury notes in the pastry and more fruity notes in the tea!

Dumplings, very spicy soup and Chya

Dumplings, an unidentifiable great and very spicy soup. Chya of a complex tea does the job. Milk in a great tea? When it comes to pairing it with a spice dish: absolutely! Milk balances the spicy notes of the dish, the complex character of the tea becomes more dominant. A real surprise to me.

Bengali style Nepali snacks and Nepal Golden Tea

Bengali style Nepali snacks and a beautiful Nepal Golden Tea. One leaf and a bud. 6 grams of tea, 96 degrees Celsius soft water, first infusion minutes, second infusion 2 minutes. May seem strange but believe me. Learned it from my teacher @susmabastola

Sweet liquorice and Nepal Golden Tips

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Roti, vegetables, potato and China Mi Lan Xiang black tea

Roti, vegetables, potato and a China Mi Lan Xiang black tea. 8 grams of tea in a gaiwan. 30-20-30-40-45 seconds infusion time, water temperature of 80 degrees Celsius. Let the tea cool down a bit to gain sweetness. Just perfect.

Iranian snack and amard_tea black tea

Iranian snacks and a great @amard_tea black tea. The sweet and fruity tea really goes with so many dishes!|