Course Barista Skills Foundation

Do you want to work as Barista or are you a huge coffee lover and would you like to expand your knowledge? With the SCA Barista Skills Foundation training you gain a solid foundation for your further career in coffee! This training is accredited by the SVH and you can apply for the internationally recognized SCA Barista Skills Foundation certificate.

After discussing the theoretical foundation the day will be mainly filled with practicing. In the theoretical section we explain differences between coffee beans, how extraction works, which methods there are to make espresso and discuss hygiene in the workplace. By experimenting a lot you learn to recognize the difference between sour, bitter, strong and weak. During practice you will operate the espresso machine yourself.

In short: A day with crucial background knowledge and lots and lots of experimentation and practice!

One day (7 hours). We start at 10 am, we finish at 5 pm.
Preliminary training
This course is designed to introduce basic barista skills to people who have had no previous training.
  • Training: € 297,00 excl. VAT (€ 359,37 incl. VAT) (including training materials and lunch)
  • SCA exam (optional): € 130,00 excl. VAT (€ 157,30 incl. VAT)
Training materials
No additional training materials are required for this training.
For whom?
Coffee roasters, buyers, vendors, employees working with coffee, private individuals who would like to learn basic barista skills.

This training has been developed to introduce the basic skills of a Barista to people who have not yet followed a Barista training.

At the end of the day we evaluate your knowledge and skills. Have you successfully completed the day and do you also want to obtain the SCA certificate? Then you can take the SCA theory exam at home after the day’s training. With the knowledge you gained during the course day, you will be able to pass the theory exam.
Read our Dutch SCA page for more information.
Specialty Coffee Association (SCA)
The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) has created the Coffee Skills Program. This program consists of five different modules: Barista Skills, Brewing, Green Coffee, Sensory Skills and Roasting. Each module is offered at three levels: foundation, intermediate and professional. All modules are concluded with a practical and theoretical exam. On successful completion of a module an internationally accepted certificate can be requested. For more information about the certification system, please visit the SCA website.
During the day we will switch between theory, experiments and practice.


You will learn…

  • the difference between Arabica and Robusta coffee beans;
  • the importance of fresh beans;
  • how to store coffee properly;
  • the names and parts of the coffee grinder and the espressomachine;
  • why whole milk is important;
  • how to comply with the official food regulations.


You will learn…

  • distinguishing the flavors sour, bitter, strong and weak;
  • which steps are required to make a good espresso;
  • recognize and resolve over-extraction and under-extraction;
  • how to froth milk and make cappuccino and latte;
  • how to adjust the coffee grinder;
  • how to correctly use a tamper;
  • working hygienic and clean in your workplace;
  • the importance of cleaning an espressomachine.
Further training
Tastes like more? You might want to take a look at the following courses:

Beoordeling van deze training door onze cursisten
Philippe14 October 2024
Thijs Hekking20 September 2024
Alle vragen konden worden beantwoord. Leuke cursus met veel enthousiasme.
Sisi20 June 2024
Simone Prak - Simon Levelt30 May 2024
Erg leuke maar vooral leerzame ?doe? training! Ik ben echt een super beginner maar aan het eind van de dag kon ik een heerlijke en mooi cappuccino afleveren.
Nicole Feringa9 May 2024
Ik volgde de training in mijn eentje. Fijn dat het doorging toen de 2 andere kandidaten niet kwamen opdagen.
Kon dus ook makkelijk mijn specifieke vragen terecht.
Zeer plezierige cursus leider.

De nadruk lag wel behoorlijk op koffie met een expresso apparaat die ik niet heb.
Maar filter koffie kwam uitgebreid aan bod en ook latte art.
De theorie vond ik ook heel aardig.
Kees Wissink - Twintig Utrecht24 April 2024
Hele gezellige groep mensen. Laura legde alles goed uit en was heel behulpzaam. Lekkere lunch ook!
Tom16 April 2024
Veel geleerd en ook heel veel gedaan! Mooie training om de basis van koffie te leren!
Moreno Zwarteveld - Praktijkcollege Zoetermeer5 April 2024
Erg leuke en goede training!
Onno de Vegt - Koffiebedrijf in oprichting26 March 2024
Marlene21 February 2024
Ontzettend leuke en leerzame dag! Klein groepje met ieder z'n eigen reden om meer te weten te komen over koffie. Veel mogen testen om zo tot de perfecte espresso te komen (maalgrootte, tampen, grammen erbij /eraf, etc). Dit smaakt naar meer! ;)

Bekijk alle beoordelingen.


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